Stanford University,
Redwood City Campus Food Service
Standard University Bio-Chem Quad Café
Stanford Hospital and Clinics, Market Cafe
Stanford Hospital and Clinics,
500 Pasteur Drive Complex Food Service
Stanford University,
Schwab Graduate School of Business,
Highland Hall Residence
Stanford University,
McMurtry Art and Art History Building Cafe
Stanford University, Cool Cafe
Ubuntu Restaurant, Napa Valley, CA
Opus One Winery, Oakville, CA
Robert Mondavi Wine & Food Center,
Costa Mesa, CA
Rancho La Puerta, Tecate, Baja CA, Mexico
Ovid Winery, St. Helena, CA
Pat Kuleto Restaurants/ Epic Roasthouse,
San Francisco, CA
Napa Valley College Culinary Arts
Teaching Kitchen, St. Helena, CA
Azteca Market, St. Helena, CA
Capital Unity Center, Sacramento, CA
Maxville Lake Winery, St. Helena, CA
College Market, Angwin, CA
Palace Catering, Belmont, CA
Calistoga Inn & Restaurant, Calistoga, CA
Wine Garden Restaurant/Ad Hoc,
Napa Valley, CA
Veramonte Vineyards,
Casablanca Valley, Chile
Harvest Market, Fort Bragg, CA
Howie's Artisan Pizza, Palo Alto, CA
Cafe Beaujolais, Mendocino, CA
Dan Mills Productions,
Napa Valley, CA
Darioush Winery, Napa Valley, CA
Azteca Market, St. Helena, Napa, CA
Flea Street Cafe, Stanford University, CA
Be Here, Wellness Retreat, St. Helena, CA
Clinica Verde, Boaca, Nicaragua
Duarte's Tavern, Pescadero, CA
St. Supery Winery, Napa Valley, CA
OneSpeed Restaurant, Sacramento, CA
Sterling Vineyards, Calistoga, CA
Soda Canyon Store, Napa Valley, CA
Lindblad Expeditions, Seattle, NYC
National Geographic Society,
Washington DC
Paramount Studios, Hollywood, CA
Robert Mondavi Winery, Oakville, CA
AeroGal Airlines, Quito, Ecuador
Napa Valley Vintner's Association
Napa Valley Wine Auction,
St. Helena, CA
Aetna Insurance of Mexico
ALFA Group, Mexico
Morgan'92s Rock Hacienda, Nicaragua
Keisei Hotels, Mito City, Japan
Cakebread Cellars, Rutherford, CA
Apricot Producers of California
California Cling Peach Board
Bancomer de Mexico
Grand Hyatt Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
Capital Unity Center, Sacramento, CA
Sweetie Pies Bakery, Napa, CA
Domaine Napa Winery, Napa, CA
Forest Glen Winery, CA
Jardine Wines and Spirits,
Tokyo, Japan
Somerston Winery,
St. Helena, Yountville, CA
Liparita Cellars, Napa Valley
Museo de Arte Contemporaneo
de Monterrey, Mexico
Horizontes Tours, Costa Rica
Spectrum Organic Products, Culinary Oils,
Sonoma, CA
Vallergas Markets, Napa Valley
VISA Card of Mexico
Vitro Envases Norteamerica, Monterrey Mexico
Suntory-Wines and Spirits, Tokyo, Japan
China Moon Cafe, San Francisco, CA
Club Industrial de Monterrey, Mexico
Dai-Ichi Hotels, Tokyo Japan
Bisotti Nucci, Napa Valley
Bistro Don Giovanni, Napa Valley
Bodega Harbour Homeowner'92s Asso., CA
Bronco Wine Co., Ceres, CA
Byron Winery, CA
Cafe Beaujolais, Mendocino, CA
Parsons Creek Winery, CA
Good Life Cafe, Mendocino, CA
Clinica Verde, Boaca, Nicaragua
Mike Splinter Residence, Granite Bay, CA
Bodziner-McNatton Residence,
Napa Valley, CA
DeRham Residence, Napa Valley, CA
Farrar Residence, St. Helena, CA
Hon. Fern M. Smith Residence,
San Francisco, CA
Frazier Winery-Residence, Napa Valley, CA
Gulbronsen Residence, Sausalito, CA
Heritage Ridge at Bickford Ranch,
Penryn, CA
Honig Winery and Vineyards, Residence,
Hoopes Residence, Napa Valley, CA
Howard Residence, Montecito, CA
Howe Residence, Napa Valley, CA
Van Doren Residence, Loomis, CA
Van Doren Residence,
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Muirhead Residence, St. Helena, CA
Nichol Residence, Napa Valley, CA
Read Residence, Santa Barbara, CA